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第一条 根据《中华人民共和国营业税暂行条例》(以下简称条例)第十六条的规定制定本细则。
第二条 条例第一条所称应税劳务是指属于交通运输业、建筑业、金融保险业、邮电通信业、文化体育业、娱乐业、服务业税目征收范围的劳务。
第三条 条例第五条第(五)项所称外汇、有价证券、期货买卖业务,是指金融机构(包括银行和非银行金融机构)从事的外汇、有价证券、期货买卖业务。非金融机构和个人买卖外汇、有价证券或期货,不征收营业税。
第四条 条例第一条所称提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或销售不动产,是指有偿提供应税劳务、有偿转让无形资产或者有偿转让不动产所有权的行为(以下简称应税行为)。但单位或个体经营者聘用的员工为本单位或雇主提供应税劳务,不包括在内。

第五条 一项销售行为如果既涉及应税劳务又涉及货物,为混合销售行为。从事货物的生产、批发或零售的企业、企业性单位及个体经营者的混合销售行为,视为销售货物,不征收营业税;其他单位和个人的混合销售行为,视为提供应税劳务,应当征收营业税。

第六条 纳税人兼营应税劳务与货物或非应税劳务的,应分别核算应税劳务的营业额和货物或者非应税劳务的销售额。不分别核算或者不能准确核算的,其应税劳务与货物或者非应税劳务一并征收增值税,不征收营业税。

第七条 除本细则第八条另有规定外,有下列情形之一者,为条例第一条所称在中华人民共和国境内(以下简称境内)提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或者销售不动产:
第八条 有下列情形之一者,为在境内提供保险劳务:
第九条 条例第一条所称单位,是指国有企业、集体企业、私有企业、股份制企业、其他企业和行政单位、事业单位、军事单位、社会团体及其他单位。
第十条 企业租赁或承包给他人经营的,以承租人或承包人为纳税人。
第十一条 除本细则第十二条另有规定外,负有营业税纳税义务的单位为发生应税行为并向对方收取货币、货物或其他经济利益的单位,包括独立核算的单位和不独立核算的单位。
第十二条 中央铁路运营业务的纳税人为铁道部,合资铁路运营业务的纳税人为合资铁路公司,地方铁路运营业务的纳税人为地方铁路管理机构,基建临管线运营业务的纳税人为基建临管线管理机构。
第十三条 立法机关、司法机关、行政机关的收费,同时具备下列条件的,不征收营业税:
第十四条 条例第五条所称价外费用,包括向对方收取的手续费、基金、集资费、代收款项、代垫款项及其他各种性质的价外收费。
第十五条 纳税人提供应税劳务、转让无形资产或销售不动产价格明显偏低而无正当理由的,主管税务机关有权按下列顺序核定其营业额:

第十六条 根据条例第四条的规定,纳税人按外汇结算营业额的,其营业额的人民币折合率可以选择营业额发生的当天或当月1日的国家外汇牌价(原则上为中间价)。但金融保险企业营业额的人民币折合率为上年度决算报表确定的汇率。
第十七条 运输企业从事联运业务的营业额为其实际取得的营业额。
第十八条 纳税人从事建筑、修缮、装饰工程作业,无论与对方如何结算,其营业额均应包括工程所用原材料及其他物资和动力的价款在内。
第十九条 本细则第四条所称自建行为的营业额,比照本细则第十五条的规定确定。

第二十条 条例第五条第(四)项所称转贷业务,是指将借入的资金贷与他人使用的业务。将吸收的单位或者个人的存款或者自有资本金贷与他人使用的业务,不属于转贷业务。
第二十一条 保险业实行分保险的,初保业务以全部保费收入减去付给分保人的保费后的余额为营业额。
第二十二条 单位或个人进行演出,以全部票价收入或者包场收入减去付给提供演出场所的单位、演出公司或者经纪人的费用后的余额为营业额。
第二十三条 娱乐业的营业额为经营娱乐业向顾客收取的各项费用,包括门票收费、台位费、点歌费、烟酒和饮料收费及经营娱乐业的其他各项收费。
第二十四条 旅游业务,以全部收费减去为旅游者付给其他单位的食、宿和交通费用后的余额为营业额。
第二十五条 单位将不动产无偿赠与他人,其营业额比照本细则第十五条的规定确定。
第二十六条 条例第六条规定的部分免税项目的范围,限定如下:
第二十七条 条例第十七条所称营业税起征点的适用范围限于个人。
第二十八条 纳税人转让土地使用权或者销售不动产,采用预收款方式的,其纳税义务发生时间为收到预收款的当天。
第二十九条 条例第十一条所称其他扣缴义务人规定如下:
第三十条 纳税人提供的应税劳务发生在外县(市),应向劳务发生地主管税务机关申报纳税而未申报纳税的,由其机构所在地或者居住地主管税务机关补征税款。
第三十一条 纳税人承包的工程跨省、自治区、直辖市的,向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。
第三十二条 纳税人在本省、自治区、直辖市范围内发生应税行为,其纳税地点需要调整的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府所属税务机关确定。
第三十三条 金融业(不包括典当业)的纳税期限为一个季度。
第三十四条 本细则所称“以上”、“以下”,均含本数或本级。
第三十五条 本细则由财政部解释,或者由国家税务总局解释。
第三十六条 本细则从条例施行之日起实施。1984年9月28日财政部颁发的《中华人民共和国营业税条例(草案)实施细则》同时废止。


(Ministry of Finance: 25 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with the
stipulations of Article 16 of Republic of China on Business Tax> (hereinafter referred to as the
Article 2
"Taxable services" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations
refers to services within the scope of taxable items in the communications
and transportation, construction, finance and insurance, posts and
telecommunications, culture and sports, entertainment and service
Processing, repair and replacement are not taxable services as
mentioned in the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as 'non- taxable
Article 3
"The foreign exchange, marketable securities and futures buying and
selling business" as mentioned in Item 5 of Article 5 of the Regulations
refers to the foreign exchange, marketable securities and futures buying
and selling business carried on by financial institutions (including banks
and non-bank financial institutions). The buying and selling of foreign
exchange, marketable securities or futures by non-financial institutions
or individuals shall not be subject to Business Tax.
"Futures" as mentioned in Item 5 of Article 5 of the Regulations
refer to non-commodities futures. Futures on commodities shall not be
subject to Business Tax.
Article 4
"Provision of taxable services, transfer of intangible assets or the
sale of immovable properties" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations
refers to activities of providing taxable services, transferring
intangible assets or ownership of immovable properties with consideration
(hereinafter referred to as the 'taxable activities'). However, taxable
services provided by the staff employed by units or individual operators
to their own units or employers shall not be included therein.
The term "with consideration" in the preceding paragraph includes
receipt of currency, goods and other economic benefits.
For units or individuals that sell their newly self- constructed
buildings (hereinafter referred to as 'self- construction'), their
self-construction activities shall be regarded as provision of taxable
Transfers of limited property rights, or permanent rights, to use
immovable properties, and transfers by units of immovable properties by
way of gifts to others shall be regarded as sales of immovable properties.
Article 5
A sales activity that involves both taxable services and goods is
deemed to be a mixed sales activity. Mixed sales activities of
enterprises, enterprise units or individual business operators engaged in
production, wholesale or retail of goods shall be classified as sales of
goods, and Business Tax shall not be levied on the sales; mixed sales
activities of other units and individuals shall be classified as provision
of taxable services, and Business Tax shall be levied on the sales.
Whether taxpayers' sales activities are mixed sales activities shall
be determined by the collection authorities under the State Administration
of Taxation.
"Goods" as mentioned in Paragraph 1 refers to tangible moveable
goods, including electricity, heat and gas.
"Enterprises, enterprise units or individual business operators
engaged in the production, wholesale and retail of goods" as mentioned in
Paragraph 1 include enterprises, units with an enterprise nature and
individual business operators engaged principally in the production,
wholesale and retail of goods, and also engaged in taxable services.
Article 6
For taxpayers engaged in both taxable services and the sales of goods
or non-taxable services, the sales amount of taxable services and the
sales amount of goods or non-taxable services shall be accounted for
separately. For taxpayers that have not accounted for separately or cannot
account for accurately, the taxable services and goods and non-taxable
services shall together be subject to Value Added Tax, and Business Tax
shall not be levied.
Whether the taxable services engaged concurrently by taxpayers are
together subject to Value Added Tax, this tax shall be determined by the
collection authorities under the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 7
Except as otherwise stipulated in Article 8 of these Detailed Rules,
any one of the following activities shall be regarded as provision of
taxable services, transfer of intangible assets or sale of immovable
properties within the territory of the People's Republic of China
(hereinafter referred to as 'within the territory') as mentioned in
Article 1 of the Regulations:
(1) Provision of services occurs within the territory;
(2) Transportation from within the territory of passengers or cargos
to outside the territory;
(3) Organization of tourist groups within the territory to travel
outside the territory;
(4) Transfer of intangible assets to be used within the territory.
(5) Sales of immovable properties located within the territory
Article 8
Any one of the following situations shall be providing insurance
services within the territory:
(1) Insurance services provided by insurance organizations within the
territory, except for insurance provided for export goods by insurance
organizations within the territory.
(2) Insurance services provided by insurance organizations outside
the territory in relation to goods within the territory.
Article 9
"Units" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
State-owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprises, private
enterprises, joint stock enterprises, other enterprises and administrative
units, institutions, military units, social groups and other units.
"Individuals" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
individual industrial or commercial households and other individuals that
have business activities.
Article 10
For enterprises which lease or contract to other to operate, the
lessees or sub-contractors shall be the taxpayer.
Article 11
Except otherwise stipulated in Article 12 of these Detailed Rules,
units that are liable to Business Tax shall be those that have taxable
activities and receive money, goods or other economic benefits from the
other parties. They shall include units both with and without independent
Article 12
The taxpayer for the business of central railway transportation shall
be the Ministry of Railways. The taxpayers for the business of
Sino-foreign equity joint venture railway transportation shall be the
joint venture railway companies. The taxpayers for the business of local
railway transportation shall be the local organization for railway
administration. The taxpayers for the business of provisional
administration for infrastructural route transportation shall be the
organization for provisional administration for infrastructural routes.
Units engaged in the business of waterway, air, pipeline and other
land transportation liable to Business Tax shall be those units engaged in
transportation business and accountable for profit or loss.
Article 13
Charges of legislative, judicial and administrative authorities that
meet the following conditions shall not be subject to Business Tax;
(1) Charges which are permitted under official documents by the State
Council, provincial People's governments, or the finance or pricing
departments thereunder, and where the charging standard is in accordance
with the stipulations of the documents.
(2) Charges which are collected directly by the legislative, judicial
and administrative authorities themselves.
Article 14
"Other charges" as mentioned in Article 5 of the Regulations shall
include handing fees, funds, fund raising fees, receipts on behalf,
payment on behalf and other charges of every nature received from other
All other charges shall be included in the turnover in computing the
tax payable regardless of the treatments applicable according to the
stipulations of the accounting policies.
Article 15
Where the prices of the taxpayers providing taxable services,
transferring intangible assets or selling immovable properties are
obviously low and without proper justification, the competent tax
authorities shall have the right to determine the turnover according to
the following sequence:
(1) Determined according to the average prices of similar services
provided or similar immovable properties sold by the taxpayers in the same
(2) Determined according to the average prices of similar services
provided or similar immovable properties sold by the taxpayers in the most
recent period.
(3) Determined according to the following formula:
Assessable Operating (1 + the cost plus margin rate)
value = costs or X -------------------------------
Project costs (1 - Business Tax rate)
The cost-plus margin rate in the above formula shall be determined by
the tax authorities under the People's governments of the provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities.
Article 16
In accordance with the stipulations of Article 4 of the Regulations,
taxpayers settling the turnover in foreign currencies can select to
convert the turnover into Renminbi according to the exchange rate quoted
by the State of either the date the turnover occurs or on the first date
of the month (the average rate in principle). However, the Renminbi
conversion rate for the turnover of financial and insurance enterprises
shall be the exchange rate ascertained in the prior year's financial
Taxpayers shall decide in advance the conversion rate selected. Once
selected, it cannot be changed within one year.
Article 17
Turnover of transportation enterprises engaged in through transport
business shall be the turnover actually received.
"Other situations" as mentioned in Item 6 of Article 5 of the
Regulations include tourist enterprises organising tourist groups to
travel within the territory of China. The turnover shall be the balance
of tourist fees received after deduction of room charges, meal charges,
transportation, admission fees and other charges paid to other units on
behalf of the tourists.
Article 18
For taxpayers engaged in construction, repair and decoration project
operations, their turnover shall include the prices of raw materials,
other materials and energy used in the projects irrespective of the method
in which the accounts are settled with the other parties.
For taxpayers engaged in installation project operations, as far as
the price of the equipment installed is taken as part of installation
project sum, their turnover shall include the price of the equipment.
Article 19
The turnover of self-construction activities as mentioned in Article
4 of these Detailed Rules shall be determined with reference to the
stipulations of Article 15 of these Detailed Rules.
Article 20
"Re-lending business" as mentioned in Item (4) of Article 5 of the
Regulations refers to the business of lending to others the funds
borrowed. Lending to others with the funds from deposits taken from units
or individuals and the funds from lender's own capital contributions shall
not be regarded as relenting business.
Article 21
For insurance business that reinsures with other parties, the
turnover of the initial insurance business shall be the total insurance
premiums after deduction of the premiums paid to the reinsurers.
Article 22
For entertainment performances by units or individuals, the turnover
shall be the total box-office proceeds or block-booking proceeds after
deduction of the payments to units providing performance venues,
entertainment companies and managers.
Article 23
Turnover of the entertainment business shall be the various charges
collected from customers in the entertainment business operations,
including box-office receipts, on-stage fees, song dedication fees,
charges on cigarettes and drinks, and other charges in the entertainment
business operations.
Article 24
For travel business, the turnover shall be the balance of total
charges after deduction of payments to other units for meals, lodging and
transportation for the tourists.
For travel enterprises that organise tours within the territory and
then hand over the groups to other travel enterprises, the turnover shall
be determined with reference to the stipulations of Item 2 of Article 5 of
the Regulations.
Article 25
For units giving immovable properties to others as free gift, the
turnover shall be determined with reference to the stipulations of Article
15 of these Detailed Rules.
Article 26
The scope of the tax-exempt items as stipulated in Article 6 of the
Regulations shall be defined as follows:
(1) "Personal services provided on individual basis by the disabled"
as mentioned in Paragraph 1, Item 2 refers to services provided to the
Public by the disabled individual.
(2) "Medical services provided by hospitals, clinics and other
medical institutions" as mentioned in Paragraph 1, Item 3 refers to such
services as diagnosis and treatment to patients, epidemic prevention,
child delivery and family planning, as well as the business of providing
medicine, medical apparatus, hospital lodging and meals in relation to
these services.
(3) "Schools and other educational institutions" as mentioned in
Paragraph 1, Item 4 refers to ordinary schools and schools of various
kinds approved to be established by the People's governments above the
prefecture and city levels or departments for educational administration
under governments of the same level and where the academic qualifications
of their students are recognized by the State.
(4) "Agricultural mechanical ploughing" as mentioned in Paragraph 1,
Item 5 refers to the business of farming operations applying agricultural
machinery in farming, forestry and husbandry (including ploughing,
planting, harvesting, threshing and plant protection).
"Irrigation and drainage" refers to the business of irrigation and
drainage of farmland.
"Prevention and treatment of diseases and insect pests" refers to the
business of forecast, prevention and treatment of diseases and insect
pests for farming, forestry, husbandry and fishery.
"Insurance for farming and husbandry" refers to the business of
providing insurance to animals and plants grown and raised in planting,
breeding and husbandry.
"Related technical training" refers to technical training services
related to the business of agricultural mechanical ploughing, irrigation
and drainage, prevention and treatment of diseases and insect pests, and
plant protection, as well as services to enable the farmers to obtain
knowledge of insurance for farming and husbandry.
The scope of the tax exemption for the breeding and the prevention
and treatment of diseases of poultry, livestock and aquatic animals
includes the business of providing medicine and medical apparatus in
relation to those services.
(5) "Cultural activities conducted by memorial hall, museum, cultural
centre, art gallery, exhibition hall, academy of painting and calligraphy,
library and cultural protective units" as mentioned in Paragraph 1, Item 6
refers to cultural activities that fall within the taxable scope of
taxable items under culture and sports activities conducted by those units
in their own locations. The admission fees refers to the box-office
receipts on the sales at the first entrance.
"Admission fees for cultural and religious activities conducted at
places of religious worship" refers to cultural and religious activities
held by temples, Taoist temples, mosques and churches.
Article 27
The application of the Business Tax minimum threshold as mentioned in
Article 8 of the Regulations shall be limited to individuals.
Ranges for the Business Tax minimum threshold are as follows:
For those assessable on a period basis, the Business Tax minimum
threshold shall be a monthly turnover of 200-800 yuan.
For those assessable on a transaction basis, the Business Tax minimum
threshold shall be turnover of 50 yuan per transaction (or per day).
Taxpayers whose turnovers reach the minimum threshold shall compute
the tax payable based on the total turnover.
The tax authorities under the People's governments of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities shall determine the minimum
threshold locally applicable within the prescribed ranges and in
accordance with the actual conditions, and shall report the amounts to the
State Administration of Taxation for their records.
Article 28
For taxpayers transferring land use rights or selling immovable
properties that accept receipts in advance, the timing at which the tax
liability arises shall be the date on which the advance receipts are
For taxpayers that have self-construction activities as mentioned in
Article 4 of these Detailed Rules, the timing at which the tax liability
arises on the self-construction activities shall be the date on which the
self-constructed buildings are sold and the turnovers are received or the
documented evidence of the right to collect the sales sum is obtained.
For taxpayer giving immovable properties to others as free gift, the
timing at which the tax liability arises shall be the date on which the
titles of the immovable properties are transferred.
Article 29
Other withholding agents as mentioned in Article 11 of the
Regulations are defined as follows:
(1) For overseas units or individuals that have taxable activities
within the territory but have not set up any establishment within the
territory, the agents shall be the withholding agents for their tax
payable. If there are no agents, the transferees and the purchasers shall
be the withholding agents.
(2) For units or individuals that present performances where the
tickets are sold by others, the ticket sellers shall be the withholding
agents for their tax payable.
(3) For individual performance managers, the ticket sellers shall be
the withholding agents on their tax payable on the performance management
(4) For reinsurance business, the initial insurers shall be the
withholding agents.
(5) For individuals transferring other intangible assets as mentioned
in Item 2, Article 12 of the Regulations, the transferees shall be the
withholding agents for their tax payable.
Article 30
For taxpayers providing taxable services that take place in a
different county (or city) that should report and pay tax with the
competent tax authorities where the services taken place but have not
reported or paid the tax, the competent tax authorities where the
establishments are located or where the individuals reside shall collect
the overdue tax.
Article 31
Taxpayers with contracted projects extending across provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities shall report and pay tax to the
competent tax authorities where the establishments are located.
Article 32
For taxpayers that have taxable activities within the area of their
own province, autonomous region and municipality, and need to change the
tax payment location, the location shall be determined by tax authorities
under the People's governments of the province, autonomous region or
Article 33
The assessable period for the financial industry (excluding
pawn-broking) shall be one quarter of a year.
The assessable period for the insurance industry shall be one month.
Article 34
The terms "above" and "below" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules
also include the figure or level itself.
Article 35
These Detailed Rules shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance
or by the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 36
These Detailed Rules shall be implemented on the same day the
Regulations are come into effect. The the Implementation of the Draft Regulations of the People's Republic of
China on Business Tax> promulgated on September 28, 1984 shall be repealed
on the same date.

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 (2002年8月30日郑州市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过 2002年11月30日河南省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议批准)
第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强城市房屋租赁管理,维护房屋租赁市场秩序,保障房屋租赁当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》等有关法律、法规规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

  第二条 本条例所称房屋租赁,是指公民、法人或其他组织作为出租人将其拥有所有权的房屋,出租给承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行为。

  第三条 下列行为视为房屋租赁:

  第四条 在本市市区(不含上街区)范围内的房屋租赁,适用本条例。

  第五条 房屋租赁遵循自愿、有偿、公平和诚实信用原则。

  第六条 市人民政府房地产管理部门主管本市城市房屋租赁管理工作。

第二章 登记管理

  第七条 房屋租赁实行登记备案制度。

  第八条 有下列情形之一的房屋,不得出租:

  第九条 房地产管理部门应当自接到登记申请之日起十个工作日内,进行审查和现场核验,符合本条例规定的,予以登记并发给房屋租赁证;不符合本条例规定的,不予登记,但应给予当事人书面答复。

  第十条 房屋租赁证是房屋租赁管理的有效凭证。

  第十一条 遗失房屋租赁证的,应当向原登记机关申请补发。

  第十二条 房屋租赁登记备案时,当事人应当如实申报租金,不得弄虚作假。

  第十三条 有下列情形之一的,房地产管理部门应当注销备案登记,收回房屋租赁证:

  第十四条 以营利为目的,房屋所有权人将以划拨方式取得使用权的国有土地上建成的房屋出租的,应当将租金中所含土地收益上缴国家。土地收益征收的具体办法,按市人民政府规定执行。

  第十五条 出租人出租房屋应当依法纳税。税款由税务部门征收,也可由税务部门委托房地产管理部门代收。

  第十六条 房地产管理部门应当定期或不定期地对房屋出租情况进行监督检查。

第三章 租赁合同

  第十七条 房屋租赁,出租人与承租人应当签订书面租赁合同,可以使用统一的示范文本。

  第十八条 房屋租赁合同应当具备下列条款:

  第十九条 租赁公有房屋作为经营活动场所,出租人与承租人在合同中约定的租金明显低于正常市场租价的,以价格主管部门认证的租金作为缴纳房屋租赁税费的依据。房屋租金认证不得向租赁当事人收取费用。

  第二十条 房屋租赁期满,租赁合同终止。承租人需要继续租用的,应当在租赁期满之前提出,与出租人重新协商签订租赁合同。租赁期满,承租人在同等条件下有优先承租权。

  第二十一条 租赁期间,房屋所有权人转让房屋所有权的,应提前三个月书面通知承租人,在同等条件下,承租人有优先购买权。所有权转让给非承租人的,所有权转移后,受让人应按原租赁合同的约定,继续承担义务并享有权利。

  第二十二条 房屋所有权人出租已抵押房屋或将其出租房屋作抵押时,应书面通知承租人,并将租赁情况告知抵押权人。

第四章 当事人的权利和义务

  第二十三条 出租人应按租赁合同的约定向承租人提供房屋,收取租金。

  第二十四条 出租人在租赁期限内,确需提前收回房屋的,应当事先征得承租人同意。给承租人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

  第二十五条 出租人应按租赁合同约定的责任,负责检查、维修房屋及其设施,保证房屋安全。因维修房屋不当,给承租人造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。

  第二十六条 出租人在租赁期限内需要对出租的房屋改建、扩建或装修的,应当与承租人就房屋改建、扩建或装修后的租金及承租人损失的补偿等事项协商一致,签订书面协议后方可进行。

  第二十七条 承租人应按租赁合同约定向出租人支付租金,并有权拒付出租人向其收取租赁合同约定以外租金性质的其他费用。

  第二十八条 租赁期间,承租人未经出租人同意中止使用房屋的,承租人应继续承担支付租金的义务。当事人另有约定的除外。

  第二十九条 房屋租赁期满,承租人未经出租人同意或未与出租人达成续租协议而逾期不搬出的,承租人除照付租金外,应按合同约定支付违约金;合同未约定的,按原租金的百分之十五向出租人支付违约金;给出租人造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。

  第三十条 租赁期间,房屋出现紧急险情影响安全的,承租人可采取必要的应急措施,并立即书面通知出租人,出租人接到通知后应及时维修;不及时维修房屋的,承租人可自行维修,所需费用由出租人承担。

  第三十一条 承租人在租赁期间经出租人同意,可将承租房屋的部分或全部转租给第三人。

  第三十二条 承租人、受转租人使用租赁房屋,不得影响他人正常生产、生活;不得从事违法犯罪活动。

第五章 法律责任

  第三十三条 违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由市房地产管理部门按照下列规定处罚:

  第三十四条 违反本条例第十四条之规定,未缴纳土地收益的,责令限期改正,补缴土地收益;对拒不改正的,可处以未缴纳土地收益金额一倍以下罚款。出租人不按期缴纳土地收益的,每逾期一日,加收应缴土地收益金额千分之三的滞纳金。

  第三十五条 违反本条例第三十二条规定的,由公安、质量技术监督、工商、卫生、环保等部门依照有关规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  第三十六条 房地产管理部门及其工作人员在房屋租赁管理工作中玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊、索贿受贿的,由有关机关对责任人员给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。给当事人造成损失,符合国家赔偿条件的,应当予以赔偿。

第六章 附则

  第三十七条 县(市)、上街区的城市房屋租赁管理,参照本条例执行。

  第三十八条 本条例自2003年1月1日起施行。




第一条 为了维护国家的航空权益,促进国际航空运输安全、健康、有秩序地发展,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于中国航空运输企业(以下简称空运企业)经营定期旅客、行李、货物、邮件的国际航空运输(以下简称国际航班)。
第三条 申请国际航班经营范围的空运企业,应当具备以下条件:
第四条 具备第三条规定条件的空运企业,在向中国民用航空总局申请经营国际航班时,应提交符合本规定第三条要求的资料。中国民用航空总局按有关规定审查批准后,变更该空运企业的航空运输企业经营许可证的经营范围。
第五条 申请经营某一国际航线经营许可的空运企业(以下简称申请人),应向中国民用航空总局提交书面申请并同时提交下列资料:
第六条 中国民用航空总局对申请人的申请,除按本规定有关规定审核外,还应考虑下列因素:
第七条 中国民用航空总局在收到申请人申请书之日起三个月内举行论证会,对申请进行评估。论证会应由申请人和与申请人有关的民航地区管理局、空运企业、机场等派出的代表参加。申请人应在论证会上阐述申请理由和答辩。
第八条 中国民用航空总局在六个月内或论证会后三个月内对申请作出决定。
第九条 申请人取得国际航线经营许可后,应按航线经营许可规定的条件和日期开航,开航日期一般应在国际航线经营许可颁发之日起一年内实施。
第十条 申请人因本身原因不能按期开航的,可向中国民用航空总局申请延长,延期最多不超过三个月。经批准,三个月内仍不能开航的,其相应的国际航线经营许可即行失效。
第十一条 开航前,该空运企业应按中国民用航空总局有关规定提交国际航线经停各站的由中国民用航空总局批准的维修许可证和维修协议。
第十二条 空运企业欲暂停某一国际航线的经营,需向中国民用航空总局提出申请,经批准后,方可暂停经营该国际航线。暂停期限不能超过6个月。
第十三条 空运企业因本身原因超过批准的暂停期限,其相应的国际航线经营许可即行失效。
第十四条 空运企业可向中国民用航空总局申请终止某一国际航线的经营。此项申请应于终止经营之日六个月前提出。未经中国民用航空总局批准,空运企业不得终止该国际航线的经营。
第十五条 遇特殊情况,中国民用航空总局可以暂停或终止空运企业经营某一国际航线。
第十六条 国际航线经营许可不得转让、买卖和交换。
第十七条 经营国际航班的空运企业,应遵守我国政府与外国政府签订的航空运输协定、协议和我国的有关法律、法规、规章和中国民用航空总局的有关规定。
第十八条 经营国际航班的空运企业派驻在所通航国家或地区的办事机构及其人员应该遵守当地的有关法律。
第十九条 经营国际航班的空运企业的安全水平、航班正点率和服务水平应保持高于全国平均水平。
第二十条 国际航班班期时刻的确定和变更,按中国民用航空总局的有关规定办理。
第二十一条 中国民用航空总局和民航地区管理局依法对空运企业的国际航班的飞行、维修、运输、保安、经营管理等情况进行监督检查。
第二十二条 空运企业应按中国民用航空总局的规定,按期如实地向中国民用航空总局和民航地区管理局上报各项统计资料。
第二十三条 空运企业在申请国际航线经营许可中弄虚作假或经营国际航线违反本规定,中国民用航空总局根据情节可给予警告、罚款、暂停或吊销国际航线经营许可,直至取消该空运企业的企业经营许可证中的国际航班经营范围。
第二十四条 本规定由中国民用航空总局负责解释。
第二十五条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

